Supporting unpaid carers to improve their wellbeing and lead fulfilling lives.
Are you a carer?
A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, mental health problem or addiction cannot cope without their support.
Many people do not think of themselves as carers and do not get the help and support they need. We understand that caring for someone can be a rewarding and selfless experience. It can also be overwhelming, stressful, exhausting and lonely. All carers deserve to be heard, valued and supported.
We know that every experience is unique, and our free carer support services are designed to meet your personal needs and circumstances through each stage of your caring journey. You’ll also have opportunities to join a range of activities, both in person and online to improve your wellbeing and connect with other carers in your local area.
adult carers in Dartford, Gravesham, Swanley and Swale accessed support over the last year
of carers agreed that the support helped them to reach their personal goals
What support will I receive?
Our free services are designed to provide a full range of support for all eligible adult carers.
We will help you to improve your health and wellbeing, balance your caring role with your own needs and aspirations, and to care safely, confidently and effectively.
Support includes:
Assessing your needs
helping you build a personal support plan, which could involve a Statutory Carers Assessment. If your needs change, you can decide to change the kind of support you receive.
Information, advice and guidance
helping you to feel better equipped for all aspects of your caring role and understand your rights as a carer.
Emotional and practical support
helping you to manage the stress, anxiety and pressures of being a carer.
Access to financial support and advice
helping you apply for a range of benefits, such as Carers Allowance.
Exploring new opportunities
encouraging you to develop other interests, take up volunteering, training, education and employment or participate in workshops and activities to develop new skills.
Contact with other organisations
helping you manage your connections with benefits, health, social care, council, education and employment organisations.
Coping with emergencies
planning for sudden changes in your caring role, such as you having to go into hospital. The Kent Carers’ Emergency Card gives you peace of mind that the person you care for can be supported while you’re unavailable.
Championing carers
raising awareness so that more people understand carers’ needs and challenges and can provide wider support.
Imago Hub
The Hub offers information and advice for carers and professionals. As your first point of contact when you join the service, our friendly team will make sure they understand your needs and guide you through support available in your area. The Hub is available for you to call with any queries Monday–Friday 9am-5pm.
Workshops, events and groups
Join regular carer groups and take part in a range of activities online and in person to meet other local carers and focus on your own health and wellbeing. Access free training sessions to care safely and confidently. Join us every year to celebrate Carers Week and Carers Rights day.
Helping meet your individual needs
Our staff can sit down with you on a one-to-one basis to help with carers assessments, benefit and grant applications, and accessing technologies and aids to make caring easier.
I am over the moon with all you've put in place and supported me with. It is very much appreciated. It has taken away stress and frustration and allowed me time to do my garden which I really enjoy and is therapy for me.
Our funding partners
Wellbeing Matters Community Navigation Kent (Carer Support) is commissioned by Kent County Council and NHS CCG