Supporting unpaid carers in Lewisham to improve their wellbeing and lead fulfilling lives
Are you a carer?
A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, mental health problem or addiction, cannot cope without their support.
Many people do not think of themselves as carers and do not get the help and support they need. We understand that caring for someone can be a rewarding and selfless experience. It can also be overwhelming, stressful, exhausting and lonely.
Every experience is unique, and all carers deserve to be heard, valued and supported. The Maximising the Wellbeing of Unpaid Carers service in partnership with Lewisham Council aims to ensure you get the support you need, with information, advice and support through each stage of your caring journey. You’ll also have opportunities to join a range of activities to improve your wellbeing and connect with other carers in Lewisham.
What support will I receive?
Our free services are designed to provide a full range of support for all eligible carers, whether you are a young person or an adult, in ways to suit you, whether that’s one-to-one, in a group, online or in person.
We will help you to improve your own health and wellbeing, balance your caring role with your own needs and aspirations, and care safely, confidently and effectively.
Support includes:
Assessing your needs
helping you build a personal support plan. This could involve a Statutory Carers Assessment if you are an adult or a Young Carers Assessment if you are under 18. You can change the kind of support you receive depending on your needs.
Information, advice and guidance
helping you to feel better equipped for all aspects of your caring role and understand your rights as a carer.
Emotional support
helping you to manage the stress, anxiety and pressures of being a carer, including access to free counselling, befriending and peer support groups.
Financial support and advice
providing support to apply for a range of benefits, such as Carers Allowance, Carer One-Off Payments and Young Carer grants, and help to access financial information and advice.
Exploring new opportunities
encouraging you to develop your interests, take up volunteering, training, education and employment, or participate in workshops and activities to develop new skills.
Contact with other agencies
helping you manage your connections with benefits, health, social care, council, education and employment organisations.
Coping with emergencies
planning for sudden changes in your caring role, such as you having to go into hospital. The Lewisham Council Carer Card has a 24-hour response service number on it that you can call in an emergency.
Championing carers
raising awareness so that more people understand carers’ needs and challenges and can provide wider support.
Register adult carer Register young carer
Carers Hub
Pop into the Carers Hub for information, advice and guidance, support groups and social activities.
You’ll find the Carers Hub in the atrium at Glass Mill Leisure Centre.
Loampit Vale, SE13 7FT
We are open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and look forward to welcoming you.
You can also call us on 0300 373 5769 or email
Join one of our regular support and activity groups
Come together with other local carers, have a coffee, share experiences and take a break from your caring responsibilities.
Supporting adult carers 25+
Join workshops, events and classes
Take part in engaging sessions tailored to different interests and connect with other local carers. Join us every year to celebrate Carers Week and Carers Rights Day.
Helping meet your individual needs
We can sit down with you on a one-to-one basis to help with carers assessments, benefit and grant applications, and accessing technologies and aids to make caring easier.
For young adult carers (18-25)
Planning for your future
We can support you to apply for jobs or college, make sure your CV is up to date, get advice from our business partners and find volunteering places to broaden your experience.
Building your social networks
Take a break from caring by joining one of our young adult carer groups and take part in our programme of activities and events.
For young carers (4-18)
Making sure your school knows about you
We work with you, your parents/carers and school staff so that everyone knows about your caring role and helps you achieve the best you can in your education.
You are not alone
Join activities to help you meet other young carers who know what it is like to be a carer, have a break from caring, and have fun!
And lots more! Register for support today
Register adult carer Register young carer
It was a lovely few hours spent enjoying life and not being a carer. Thank you for all your support this year, it has made a difference.
Sharon, Unpaid adult carer