It starts with a conversation.
Imago social prescribers will listen to you to understand your situation and support you to feel healthy.
Many things can affect your health and wellbeing. Social prescribing can help you have more control over your own health and wellbeing.
We work closely with your GP practice. Your doctor or another member of the practice team might refer you to an Imago social prescribing link coordinator. We provide practical and emotional support and will connect you to people and activities that might help you feel better.
What support will I receive?
Our social prescribing service offers support that meets your individual needs, connecting you to people and activities to improve your health and wellbeing.
We can support with:
Enhancing your physical health and wellbeing
helping you to be active and make healthy lifestyle choices.
Improving your mental health and wellbeing
supporting you to manage anxiety and stress in day-to-day life.
Taking control of your situation
building confidence to manage your health and wellbeing and plan future goals.
Accessing non-medical support
providing practical advice on issues like housing, employment, benefits and finances.
Reducing loneliness and isolation
supporting you to find and join local activities such as music groups, art classes and community gardening projects, based on your interests
Finding the information you need
You might need practical advice and support such as with legal issues, debt counselling, and applications for benefits and assistive aids.
Involving you in your own health and wellbeing
We can help you help you find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.
Building your social networks
We will support you to access a wide range of social activities, classes, groups and services in your local community.
You can find our Social Prescribers in the following Surgeries:
If you cannot see social prescribing available in your GP practice, you may still be eligible for support from our community navigation service. Email us
new patient referrals in the last year
of patients reported an improvement in their wellbeing
I was in the worst place a few months ago, I told the surgery and within a week both you and the mental health nurse practitioner were in touch. You have reassured me every step of the way. I am doing so much better now, you have been there for me to contact and I've not been left alone. It really has been amazing and made such a difference.
Emma, social prescribing patient
Social prescribing for children and young people in East Sussex.
This short video captures the impact of a pilot project using social prescribing and positive activities to support children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing in East Sussex. The project was delivered by Imago, managed by East Sussex County Council, and funded by NHS Sussex. The four schools involved were Parkside Primary, Ringmer Primary, South Malling Primary and Wadhurst Primary. The video was created by Make Good Trouble.