Kent County Council's proposed cuts to Community Wellbeing Services in Kent: consultation open

Kent County Council have opened a consultation on proposed changes to Wellbeing Services in the Community and Community Navigation.

These proposals mean cuts to our support services for older, vulnerable adults.

The services are funded by KCC’s Adult Social Care and Health Directorate and delivered across the county by Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations, including Imago.

Imago’s Community Navigators support adults aged 55+ and individuals aged 18+ with complex needs. Our personalised approach helps individuals to make personal choices to improve their health and wellbeing and remain independent for longer. We provide emotional and practical support, information and guidance and support people to access a range of community health and social care services.

We also deliver wellbeing services in the community for older people through peer support, creative and physical activities, helping to reduce social isolation and loneliness, improving confidence and wellbeing.

The cuts will have a direct impact on the support we can provide vulnerable people in our communities.


We would appreciate your support by sharing your views: 


Paper copies and contact details:

If you would like to request paper copies of the consultation material, or if you have any questions about this consultation, please contact Kent County Council:



Telephone: 03000 415846


The consultation is open until 27th January 2025.