There are lots of opportunities to get involved, either by volunteering with us here at Imago, or with other organisations in West Kent through our volunteer centre.
Why volunteer?
Volunteering has many personal benefits, from boosting mental and physical wellbeing to connecting with others and making new friends.
It gives you a sense of purpose, helps you learn new skills and build on existing ones, develops confidence and self-esteem, increases your social connections and provides valuable experience to add to your CV.
There are lots of ways to get involved with volunteering, however much or little time you can spare. Get in touch with us at volunteering@imago.community to find out how we can help.
My three clients have been very different, and I have had to adapt my approach to listening with each of them. The best thing about it is feeling that you are helping people and hopefully making a small difference to their lives.
Sophie, Volunteer Telephone Befriender
Volunteer with Imago Community
Volunteers are at the heart of everything we do here at Imago. Take a look at some of the volunteer opportunities to work with us.
Role: Advice and Guidance Volunteer
Hours: Flexible (shifts available Monday – Friday)
Location: Imago Hub, Glass Mill Leisure Centre
As an advice and guidance volunteer you will play a vital role in supporting unpaid carers in Lewisham at our drop in carers hub.
Your role will include taking enquiries from members of the public, sharing information and promoting services.
No previous experience required, training and ongoing support will be given.
Role: Peer Support Volunteer
Hours: Flexible and ad hoc
Location: Various community settings across the borough of Lewisham
As a peer support volunteer, you will play a vital role in supporting unpaid carers in Lewisham at coffee mornings in GP surgeries across the borough of Lewisham.
Your role will include supporting the staff member running the coffee morning by welcoming and chatting to attendees, making them feel comfortable. You may also have the opportunity to join in with events and workshops.
No previous experience required, training and ongoing support will be given. However, knowledge and or lived experience of being an unpaid carer may be beneficial.
Role: Volunteer Driver
Hours: Flexible
Location: Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge, Sevenoaks and surrounding areas
Our community transport service Dial 2 Drive helps members of the community who have difficulty using public transport due to older age, illness or mobility problems in west Kent.
Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take clients to hospitals, clinics, day centres or social appointments. It's a great way to do some extremely valuable community work and is flexible to fit around your commitments.
Drivers are reimbursed expenses and drive when they are available. Some drivers carry out regular drives and others just a couple of drives a month.
‘I’d been retired for about a year and really enjoying retirement, but then thought I need to do something with my time and saw an ad for volunteer drivers in our local parish magazine. The main thing I enjoy is meeting the lovely people that I drive.’ Kate, Volunteer Driver
Role: Office volunteer
Hours: Flexible (shifts available Monday – Friday office hours)
Location: Monson Road, Tunbridge Wells
Supporting our community transport service Dial 2 Drive with taking drive bookings and scheduling journeys.
You need to be confident in using computers and making and receiving calls.
Role: Charity Shop Volunteer
Hours: Flexible (shifts available Monday – Saturday)
Location: Monson Road, Tunbridge Wells
Volunteer retail assistants will work alongside the shop supervisor to sort, price and display items for sale, as well as serve customers.
Volunteers are fully involved in all aspects of the Imago charity shop. We welcome ideas and those with creative flair to assist with visual merchandising and window displays.
No experience needed but a commitment to excellent customer service is essential.
Proceeds from the shops support local Imago projects.
From time to time, we can accommodate DofE students.
Role: Telephone befriending volunteer
Hours: Flexible (shifts available Monday – Sunday)
Location: Home
As a volunteer telephone befriender you will be making telephone calls from your own home, so a confidential environment is required.
The purpose of the service is to provide a friendly listening ear, supporting vulnerable people to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
‘It’s wonderful to feel a small part of a cog in the wheel of change. I befriended a client who had experienced a massive life changing event. Due to his sheer determination and the work of his support team, he started to show small improvements against all odds, and now has hope for the future. Hope, team work and the endurance of the human spirit is amazing.'
Pat, Telephone Befriender
Role: Social Activities Volunteer
Hours: Flexible (shifts available Monday – Friday) minimum 2 hours a week.
Location: Ashford, Canterbury, Swale
Come And Meet Each Other (CAMEO) sessions are for clients over 55 or those with complex health needs.
We are looking for friendly, sociable and outgoing people who would like to spend approximately two hours a week supporting us.
This is a varied role which would include helping set up/clear down for each event, welcoming clients to the group, preparing and serving refreshments. There could also be opportunities in the future to assist on days trips.
All our roles require an interview and references and where appropriate to the role an enhanced DBS check. Volunteers must be 16+ or 18+ for some roles.
To find out more about these positions please complete our expression of interest form.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Volunteer with charities in West Kent
Looking to volunteer in West Kent (Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells or Sevenoaks) and need help finding the perfect role? Get in contact with us at volunteering@imago.community
Whether you’re looking for a volunteer role to enhance your CV, boost your skills and experience, give back to your community or work towards your DofE, we can help you find the perfect volunteering role. Our experienced team is here to support you.