Our Children & Young People Services
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Young Carers Action Day 2023: New resources for education settings
Young Carers Action Day was on 15th March and, this year, there's a great new resource to help YOU to help young carers!
You Are Not Alone (YANA) - Wellbeing support for children and young adults living in Kent
Reconnecting young people with the things they have missed out on during the pandemic, helping develop emotional wellbeing and resilience to make a difference now, and for the future.
Social Prescribing for Children
Our Social Prescribers provide Children's Mental Health Support in Ashford, Gillingham South, Sevenoaks, Sheppey and Tunbridge Wells
Kent Young Carers
supports all Young Carers aged 5-18 across Kent with information, advice, signposting, social activities and individual support.
East Sussex Young Carers
supports Young Carers aged 5-18 who are responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, prioritising mental health or drug/alcohol issues.
Southwark Young Carers
supports all Young Carers aged 8-24 across London Borough of Southwark with information, advice, signposting, social activities and individual support.
Havering Young Carers
supports all Young Carers aged 5-17 across Havering with information, advice, signposting, social activities and individual support.
Bexley Young Carers
supports young people aged 8-18 living in Bexley who is taking on caring responsibilities for a family with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue.
a youth-led project to raise awareness of mental health, reduce suicide, breaking down, stigma and getting young people to talk about their feelings.
Short Breaks
provides opportunities for disabled children and young people to enjoy social experiences as well as offering a valuable break for their parents or carers.
Keeping Children and Young People Safe
Imago Community is committed to and has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people who access its services.