Do you know the benefits of Volunteering?

Volunteering is something we’re truly passionate about here at Imago, there are huge benefits, not just for the service, but it can also bring a big boost to your mental health

The NHS suggest five ways in which you can better your mental health and they can all apply when volunteering:

  • Connecting with people - Volunteering will boost your network, increase social interactions and brings people together as a team
  • Being physically active - doesn’t have to mean being outdoors all day, just being up and about is great for your physical health
  • Learning a new skill - Volunteering provides a great opportunity for learning new skills and sharing experiences with others which can give a real boost to your confidence
  • Giving to others - this doesn’t mean putting your hand in your pocket, but to give some time to someone else, some care, some thought. This can be anything from making a call to a lonely or isolated person, checking in on a neighbour, or listening to a child read in a school.
  • Pay attention (mindfulness) – This is just about being in the moment and engaged, noticing what’s going on around you, the sights, smells and sensations.

It might be that you’re looking for a volunteer role to help you into a new job role, gaining experience, skills and confidence, or you may be looking to try something completely different, find a new hobby, or fulfil a long-held dream.

If you would like to know more about volunteering in West Kent, please get in touch with Louise:

You can also read more about the five ways to mental wellbeing here: